Saturday, February 27, 2010

Stitches West

On Wednesday, my Dad and I made the mad dash to California - Sunnyvale to be exact. We are here for Stitches! Well, I am anyway. My dad is here visiting Ed and Lindsey (and of course, Sarah and Kai). I am knitting - that's right, I am here for a knitting convention. People didn't believe me when I told them I was coming here for that - but it has been a great experience! I have loved my classes - and the market was to die for!

Justin and I are the task force leaders for the Ride for Kids this year. It is a fundraiser for the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation. Our ride goal is $50,000. My personal fundraising goal is $5000. So far, I am at $500.00 - 10% isn't the best, but I hope to make our goal. We have 5 months to get there. That's just less than $1000 per month. Hmmm. I better get busy.

We are going to have a couple of garage sales, I am knitting for money - so if there is anything you want, get an order in soon! We are also trying to put together some sponsorships, possibly a car show, etc.

I set up this blog as a way to present my knitting for those who are looking for handknit items to give as a gift, or for yourself. So be generous - remember it is a fundraiser!

Thanks for looking.